Thursday, September 10, 2009

Winter Squash

It's been a really good year for winter squash- I planted them early- late May and they started growing really well in June. We picked the first acorn squash in early August and have this nice basket full of butternuts, delicata's and acorn. We also have a couple of small hubbards.
The butternut plants in particular are still going strong and running roughshod over the basil here, still putting on little squash. I don't know if they'll be mature by first frost but they've still got about 5 weeks to go so maybe they'll make it.
Any of you ever eat immature winter squash? If so leave me a comment- how was it?


Mary Delle LeBeau said...

Great looking winter squash. Enjoy.

Maria Hitt said...

I'm glad to be harvesting things that don't need immediate attention! We'll be enjoying these squashes all winter long and they can just sit in a basket in the kitchen, no freezing or prep required. Yeah.