Sunday, March 8, 2009

March Fickle Too

Don't know if you saw my last Chapel Hill News column, The Push and Pull of Fickle February, but it seems that March is going to be fickle as well. On Monday we woke to 4 inches of snow, it was like a fairyland, piles of fluffy white whipped cream meringue on every branch and twig. I said to David "nature got a pie in the face!" It was bright white and even before the sun was up everything glowed with reflected light. That night it got down to 17 degrees and the high Tuesday was 34 I think. Yesterday and today will be 80! So all the plants are probably feeling a bit schizophrenic at this point. I noticed this morning the tips of the crab apple were looking mighty pink suddenly, hope they don't open and get bitten by another cold snap, by Friday this week the forecast is again cold and rainy.

Tiny twigs piled high with snow

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