Friday, April 5, 2013

Mellow Yellow

Do you remember that song by Donovan, are you old enough? It came out in 1966. 
I was only 8 back then,  it was one of my favorites.
I've been singing this to myself lately as I tour the garden. "They call me mellow yellow, quite rightly"
Narcissus 'Hawera'
This is a dainty baby, only about 8 inches tall
Variegated iris
"Electrical banana, Is gonna be a sudden craze  
Electrical banana, Is bound to be the very next phase"
This one nods its head so its hard to appreciate, should be planted at the top of a wall where it can be admired from below.
Even these boogers fill the bill 
And there are more, forsythia, barberry with tiny yellow flowers, tinged with red that smell like honey and attract a ton of pollinators.  More daffodils, new growth on some of the evergreens, even the mustard greens going to seed in the veg patch have yellow flowers.  

My father had very strong opinions about yellows, he disliked bright yellow that leaned towards egg yolk, thought it too strong, too garish, but a pale yellow, that really turned him on.  Several of those above came from his garden as transplants.  I especially enjoy mellow yellow combined with blues and whites, and that will be coming up next, dogwoods, daisy's, columbines, it's going to be just swell.

They call me mellow yellow, quite rightly.

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