Sunday, May 26, 2013

Lush Life

It's mighty lush around here these days. 
Just look at those snap peas reaching for the sky.  David had to add some bamboo to extend the trellis a few feet higher, soon we'll need a ladder to pick the ones up top.  They are just now starting to be ready, we had  a couple of handfuls with the last of the asparagus in a stir fry last night, sweet, crisp and so tasty, a favorite treat of spring.  The potatoes are the tall plants this side of the peas, I'm looking forward to an excellent crop thanks to all the rain we've had so far.  Beyond the peas are the onions and garlic which are starting to bulb up and the asparagus, now going to fern, hiding the tomatoes from view over by the fence.

After about 5 inches of rain last week and several days in the mid to upper 80's we were blessed with the passing of a windy cold front that dropped the humidity and the temps considerably.  In fact folks in these parts had lows in the 40's on Friday night, some even claimed upper 30's, kind of wild for late May.  We were delighted to be home and able to be outside and enjoy the breezes and clear dry days. I took advantage of what might be the last such weather for some time to wash loads of laundry including sheets and blankets, I also hung all the pillows out in the sunshine to air out and disinfect.

Tomorrow I'm heading south to Southern Pines and the Weymouth Center for a week long writing retreat with the gals from my writing group.  I'm thrilled to have the opportunity and so looking forward to 5 solid days dedicated to R&R and writing every single day for long stretches.  I'm hoping to make good progress editing a piece I've been working on during our weekly group meetings for several months about my early days as a chef, moving to Austin and getting my legs in the world.  I think it has potential and want to spend this week incorporating all the excellent feedback that the group has given me as I've shared each section with them.  The Weymouth Center is such a fantastic spot to escape to.

What a lucky girl am I.

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