The water level is starting to drop but there was still plenty flowing by to make for an OK stream watch snapshot. I was joined for a bit by my friend Eric and his dog Willow. Once she got restless they took off and left me in quiet solitude to finish the task.
I did not see the variety or number of critters I sometimes find, but there were still things to look at. Loads of crawdads big and small. Dragonfly larvae; slow moving, shield shaped, they remind me of little tanks. A salamander, still breathing through gills, less than an inch long, almost translucent. Small fish, big tadpole, lots and lots of wiggly caddisflies.
Many damselflies were in the air but I did not find their slender fairly-like larvae in the water. With jet black wings and neon blue bodies I love to watch them dancing and flitting together above the stream.
Once I had finished my "work", I waded up stream in search of a spot deep enough to lie down in. I heard something moving on the bank ahead of me and looked up in time to see a coyote staring back at me. We met eyes for a moment and then he turned tail and trotted off in the other direction. I found a hole thigh deep and lay down to float for a few minutes, get that deep cool way down into my flesh.
Post dip selfie
I wish you all a very happy solstice.
I hope we can find a deep enough pool for a refreshing soak in the creek before too long. Uh, minus the horseflies please.
YO- when are you coming out?!
If we don't get more rain, it won't be too welcoming down there, need to swim soon.
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