Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Mellow Yellow Part 2

The major source of mellow yellow this week is POLLEN.  Everything is covered with a fine dusting of tiny yellow grains. Sunday it was so thick you could see it wafting by like snow in the air, forming little drifts at the edges of things.  A light rain last night was only enough to make splattered patterns on surfaces.  Happily it doesn't seem to be blowing out of the trees quite as thickly as it was.  We can only hope that it will subside quickly and we can dust the house, rinse off the cars and carry on, pollen free into the spring.
This magnolia is more yellow in bud, creamier once it opens, but I think it's really fine.  
Corylopsis dangles its blossoms at the edge of the lawn
Native buckeye is verging  towards chartreuse but will yellow up as it opens
Creeping Jenny is truly on the chartreuse side of things 
but so lovely against the blue of the ajuga
Golden oregano in the background, yellow leaves of spider wort in the pot, 
electric next to the purple pansy

We sally forth into spring, each day brings new tasks, prepping the soil for planting the tomatoes, pruning the fig tree, pulling last falls greens from the garden before they go entirely to flower and cleaning, cooking, freezing or eating them.  This makes way for the spring planting of greens which are coming right along.  And the asparagus is starting, so having a break from other veggies is actually a good thing, it's all we can do to keep up with the asparagus harvest once it gets into full swing. 

This is an OK problem to have.

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