Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Glorious Rain!

Look close and you can see a ruby-throated hummingbird taking a sip from the pale yellow foxglove.  The grand total this morning after 36 hours of rain was 5 and 2/10ths of an inch.  Amen.

Spent my day of freedom puttering around the house, baked bread, went for a swim, made a nice supper that included lettuce, beets, radish, sugar snap peas, asparagus, dill and shitake mushrooms all from the garden and eggs from next door.  Now that's livin'.


Randy Emmitt said...


The rain was really something! Today I pulled weeds instead of dragging the stupid hose around. We have peas, kale and lettuce also! Think we had at least 4-5 inches here too!

Maria Hitt said...

Yo Randy-
got another half inch here last night. I need to get out and do some weeding now, seems almost too wet- hard to imagine!