Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Tater Time

 3 Weeks Ago, Sunset Over Snowy Pasture

It's been a real challenge to get the spring garden in this year because of all the cold weather, snow and rain.  The ground is still very wet but I simply had to forge ahead, hopefully not damaging the soil structure too much by working it wet.  "They" say you shouldn't work the soil if a ball of dirt squeezed in the fingers forms a tootsie roll, well that is certainly the case, but despite that, I managed to plant last week in between rains. Peas and some greens: lettuce, mixed greens, radishes, cress and kale which are all beginning to sprout.  I also set out 180 onion plants, 120 yellow, 30 red and 30 white.  It was nearly 3 weeks later than I normally plant them but there was nothing for it with snow on the ground!

Today I planted 7 varieties of potatoes, very exciting.  Purple Viking; purple skin, white flesh and BIG, Desiree; red skin and yellow flesh, Carola, Yukon Gold and German Butterball, all white to yellow skin and yellow flesh and two types of fingerlings; Red Thumb with a  beautiful rose-colored flesh and Rose Finn Apple, another yellow fleshed.  It's exciting to have so many varieties to try and I was able to get them at a good price by buying through Country Farm and Home in Pittsboro and putting together a group order of 50# for several community gardens.

The rest of the garden is slowly coming back to life, with late winter treats giving us joy and hope for the spring.  Dwarf iris, edgeworthia, crocus, winter sweet and early daffodils. Yesterday the blood root shot up when the temps went up to 80 degrees!  The trout lilies are starting in the woods and the maple trees are dropping their red flowers.  It's exciting to think the first day of spring is only a few days away, but as usual the list of chores is a bit overwhelming.  Tomorrow I plan to plant beets, carrots, and some more greens before the next round of rain.
Creek Foam Has Been Outstanding This Winter