Cell phone photos leave a bit to be desired, but that's me in the mouth of a giant gator that is the entrance to one of the beach chachki shops here at Topsail. We have been having a splendid time. I've been taking long morning swims before the sea picks up, lots of walks on the beach, daily afternoon naps, fabulous seafood nightly for dinner. Last night we had grilled Mahi Mahi tacos, tonight; fish soup with shrimp, scallops and more mahi is on the menu, tomorrow-crab. This is living brother.
Days are spent watching dolphins rolling through the swells, flocks of pelicans cruising overhead, schools of silver fish small and large sparkling through the waves all around us as we swim. Fortunately, the biting flies dissappeared. A couple of days ago the Topsail turtle hospital released about 6 sea turtles right out in front of our house.
They were ready to go
Gently released into the waves, set free to swim again in the wide green sea